Saturday 27 August 2011

Bohemian Boudoir.......

I´m sorry for being such a bad blogger, but this summer has been madness! I´ve been so busy with the new joint craft shop in Ebeltoft plus getting my own wee shop ready that there hasn´t been any time left for blogging! This is what I did most of the time (apart from crafting) - painting walls + vintage furniture for the shop!

But it was worth the effort. I had a great season and the renovated train carriage-goes-shop is amazing..... Here are some pictures of the transformation:

Now the REAL fun part started....filling the space with my vintage furniture and wares!!! By the way, apart from the floorboards and parts of the cladding we only used recycled materials for the renovation, all the windows and the door (from 1930!) came from estate sales or salvage yards. You want to see the final result? Okay then:

More to look at than read this time, but I´ll keep you more updated again from now on ;-) Enjoy the beautiful late summer + see you soon ;-)


  1. Wow! Kirsten, that looks amazing! I love the arched ceiling of the train car and the way you've decorated it. Sounds like you have lots of exciting projects going on right now :)

  2. The shop looks great - so glad that everything is going so well. Lesley x

  3. Thank you both - and thanks for not having abandonned me while I was not blogging ;-)

  4. Wow, your both shops look so very cute! Especially the old "new" train carriage looks amazing, great job!!!

  5. absolutely gorgeous Kirsten, I love it and wish I could shop in person!! xoxo

  6. I kove the photo of you, you are beautiful........... And your shop is wonderful. I really do wish that I lived closer to be there in person. It's the kind of shop I would visit often. Best wishes for you and your new shop!

  7. Hello Kirsten! It's so nice to meet you! Your shop is wonderful, love seeing the transformation of this space. I'd love for you to come by and link up with Vintage Inspiration Friday. Your shop would be wonderful inspiration. Have you participated in a link party before? Let me know, I'll be glad to talk you thru it! xo Debra

  8. Your shop looks absolutely stunning. I love Danish antiques and interior design. I have just bought a pair of antique angel wings from Denmark...I just love the whole look. I wish I could come over and visit. Good luck with the shop.
    Jo xx

  9. En skøn ide at lave togvognen om til boho-vintage butik!! Det ser så spændende ud, og med den kreativitet og energi du lægger for dagen kan du da ikke andet end lykkes med dine projekter. Man skal brænde for det, og det gør du!

    Tak for dine reflektioner over min blogpost, hvis jeg kan være dig til nogen gavn er du altid velkommen til at skrive til mig. Bor på Lolland.

    Hilsener fra Helle

  10. I love these kinds of stories and seeing how people make their dreams come true. Your boutique is absolutely stunning, I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hei

    hyggelig å hilse på deg og din mann i butikken min.

    Så utrolig koselig dere har gjort det.. ser virkelig ut som en interessant butikk.Med masse flotte varer...

    Skal følge deg fremover...

    hilsen Kerstin
