Monday, 23 May 2011

Busy times, exciting news!

I want to apologize for not having updated my blog for such a long time, I don´t know what actually happened - one day took the other, so many things to do and not enough hours in one day! But now I want to share the exciting news with you!

I´ve opened a craft shop in the nearby market town Ebeltoft together with these two lovely ladies:

Annette to the left is a ceramist and Lotte is a textile artist, too. We suddenly had the oportunity to rent these charming premises, and decided to give it a go! Of course I´ll still run my summer shop in our converted train carriage, so this is going to be a very busy summer!!!

So the last weeks have been CRAZY.... but now we´re open and I want to share some more pictures with you!

I promise to be back soon, and thanks to my followers for not having dismissed me! Hope you´re all well, happy and enjoying yourselves!